图P-1 芯片引脚图
表P-1 芯片引脚功能描述
Pin Number | Pin name | Pin type | IO 5V-Tolerant | IO power-on default state | Description and alternate functions |
1 | AVDD | P | - | - | 3.3V output or 3.3V analog power supply, output capacitance/input capacitance is 4.7uF |
2 | VIN5V | P | - | - | VIN5V is the PMU power supply input pin. The normal working input voltage range is 3.6V-5.5V. A 4.7uf input capacitor is connected externally. The maximum input voltage of this pin is 6.5V. Note that overvoltage and surge protection devices need to be added, such as a TVS and a 4.7 ohm resistor to protect against surge impact |
3 | VDD33 | P | - | - | 3.3V output, output capacitance/input capacitance is 4.7uF |
4 | VDD11 | P | - | - | 1.1V output or 1.1V Power supply, output apacitance/input capacitance is 4.7uF |
5 | GND | P | - | - | Ground PAD |
6 | PA2 | IO | √ | IN,T+D | 1. GPIO PA2(Initial state at startup) 2. IIC_SDA 3. UART1_TX 4. PWM0 |
7 | PA3 | IO | √ | IN,T+D | 1. GPIO PA3(Initial state at startup) 2. IIC_SCL 3. UART1_RX1 4. PWM1 |
8 | PA4 | IO | √ | IN,T+U | 1. GPIO PA4(Initial state at startup)/PG_EN(Note1) 2. PWM2 |
9 | PB5 | IO | √ | IN,T+U | 1. GPIO PB5(Initial state at startup) 2. UART0_TX 3. IIC_SDA 4. PWM1 |
10 | PB6 | IO | √ | IN,T+U | 1. GPIO PB6(Initial state at startup) 2. UART0_RX 3. IIC_SCL 4. PWM2 |
11 | VCM | O | - | - | VCM Output |
12 | MICNL | I | - | - | Left Microphone N input |
13 | MICPL | I | - | - | Left Microphone P input |
14 | MICBIAS | O | - | - | Microphone bias output |
15 | AGND | P | - | - | Analog ground |
16 | HPOUT | O | - | - | DAC output |
上表中 IO引脚的状态定义如下:
I 输入
O 输出
IO 双向
P 电源或地
T+D 三态正下拉
T+U 三态正上拉
OUT 上电默认为输出模式
IN 上电默认为输入模式