



图2 CI1103芯片引脚图


表2 芯片引脚功能描述
Pin Number Pin name Pin type IO driving capability IO power-on default state Alternate functions
1 PLL_AVDD12 P - - PLL 1.2V power supply
2 PLL_AVSS12 P - - PLL ground
3 XIN I - - 12.288MHZ crystal oscillator interface
4 XOUT O - - 12.288MHZ crystal oscillator interface
5 UART0_TX IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[0]
Transmit channel of UART0
6 UART0_RX IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[1]
Receive channel of UART0
7 VCC12 P - - 1.2V Core power supply
8 VCC33 P - - 3.3V power supply
9 IIC0_SDA IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[2]
2.IIC0_SDA:IIC0 serial data
3.SDC0_D1:SDC0 interface data1
4.SPI2_CS:SPI2 interface chip selection signal
10 IIC0_SCL IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[3]
2.IIC0_SCL:IIC0 serial clock
3.SDC0_D0:SDC0 interface data0
4.SPI2_D1:SPI2 interface data1
11 SPI1_CS IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[4]
2.SPI1_CS:SPI1 interface chip selection signal
3.SDC0_CLK:SDC0 serial clock
4.SPI2_D2:SPI2 interface data2
12 SPI1_DIN IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[5]
2.SPI1_DIN:SPI1 interface data input
3.SDC0_CMD:Command pin for SDC0 interface
4.SPI2_D0:SPI2 interface data 0
13 SPI1_DOUT IO 8mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[6]
2.SPI1_DOUT:Transmit channel of SPI1
3.SDC0_D3:SDC0 interface data 3
4.SPI2_CLK:SPI2 Serial Clock
14 SPI1_CLK IO 8mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[7]
2.SPI1_CLK:Serial Clock for SPI1 interface
3.SDC0_D2:SDC0 interface data 2
4.SPI2_D3:SPI2 interface data 3
15 PWM0 IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[15]
2.PWM0 Output
16 PWM1 IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[16]
2.PWM1 Output
17 PWM2 IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[17]
2.PWM2 Output
18 PWM3 IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[18]
2.PWM3 Output
19 PWM4 IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[19]
2.PWM4 Output
3.I2C1_SDA:I2C1 Serial Data
20 PWM5 IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[20]
2.PWM5 Output
3.I2C1_SCL:I2C1 Serial Clock
21 VCC33 P - - 3.3V power supply
22 SPI0_CS IO 8mA OUT,T QSPI interface chip selection signal
23 SPI0_D1 IO 8mA OUT,T+U QSPI interface data 1
24 SPI0_D2 IO 8mA OUT,T QSPI interface data 2
25 SPI0_D0 IO 8mA IN,T QSPI interface data 0
26 SPI0_CLK IO 8mA IN,T Serial Clock for QSPI interface
27 SPI0_D3 IO 8mA IN,T QSPI interface data 3
28 TEST I - IN,L Internal pull-down
0—functional mode
1—test mode
29 RSTn I - IN,H External reset input.Pull this pin low to reset device to initial state.Has internal weak pull-up.
30 SWD_CLK IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.TCK:Serial Wire Debug port clock pin.Has internal weak pull-down.
31 SWD_DAT IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.TMS:Serial Wire Debug port data pin.Has internal weak pull-up.
32 UART1_TX IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[23]
2.UART1_TX:Transmit channel of UART1
3.I2C1_SDA:I2C1 Serial Data
33 UART1_RX IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[24]
2.UART1_RX:Receive channel of UART1
3.I2C1_SCL:I2C1 Serial Clock
34 UART2_TX IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[25]
2.UART2_TX:Transmit channel of UART2
3.I2C1_SDA:I2C1 Serial Data
35 UART2_RX IO 4mA IN,T+U 1.GPIO[26]
2.UART2_RX:Receive channel of UART2
3.I2C1_SCL:I2C1 Serial Clock
36 VCC12 P - - Core 1.2V power supply
37 VCC33 P - - 3.3V power supply
38 I2S1_SDI IO 4mA OUT,T+D 1.GPIO[27]
2.I2S1_SDI:Serial Data Input for I2S1 interface
4.SPI1_CS:SPI1 interface chip selection signal
39 I2S1_LRCLK IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[28]
2.I2S1_LRCLK:I2S1 interface LRCLK clock
4.SPI1_DIN:SPI1 interface data input
40 I2S1_SDO IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[29]/BOOT_SEL[1]
At startup,Boot1 option bit is used to select one of two modes:
0—Normal functional model
1—Debug mode
2.I2S1_SDO:Serial Data Output for I2S1 interface
41 I2S1_SCLK IO 4mA IN,T+D 1.GPIO[30]
2.I2S1_SCLK:Serial Clock for I2S1 interface
4.SPI1_DOUT:Transmit channel of SPI1
At startup,this pin is used to select one of two functional modes:
1—Start serial port upgrade service and program
0—Start directly from Flash
2.I2S1_MCLK:Master Clock for I2S1 reference
4.SPI1_CLK:Serial Clock for SPI1 interface
43 MICPL I IN Left ADC channel input
44 AVDD P - - 3.3V analog supply
45 MICBIAS O Microphone bias output
46 AGND P - - Analog ground
47 MICPR I - IN Right ADC channel input
48 AVDDRV P - - 3.3V analog supply
49 HPOUTL O - OUT Left DAC channel output
50 AGNDRV P - - Analog ground
51 VCM O - - OUT Reference voltage output
52 VCC33 P - - 3.3V power supply
53 AIN3 IO - IN,T+D 1.GPIO[34]
2.ADC3 Input
4.PWM3 Output
54 AIN2 IO - IN,T+D 1.GPIO[35]
2.ADC2 Input
4.PWM2 Output
55 AIN1 IO - IN,T+D 1.GPIO[36]
2.ADC1 Input
3.I2C0 Serial Data
4.PWM1 Output
56 AIN0 IO - IN,T+D 1.GPIO[37]
2.ADC0 Input
3.I2C0 Serial Clock
4.PWM0 Output

上表中 IO引脚的状态定义如下:

I 输入

O 输出

IO 双向

P 电源或地

T+D 三态正下拉

T+U 三态正上拉

OUT 上电默认为输出模式

IN 上电默认为输入模式