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Window Watchdog (WWTD)

Function introduction

The clock of the window watchdog is obtained from the APB clock PCLK frequency division. After use, if the software fails to “feed the dog” in time before the counter reaches the specified value, reset or interrupt will occur. In addition, the WWTD also has a configurable window value. If the software “feeds the dog” before or after the count value reaches the lower limit value of the window, it will also cause an interrupt or reset. Therefore, the software must “feed the dog” within a limited time window.

The main features of the window watchdog are:

  • Clock from PCLK frequency division
  • Support window based services
  • Support normal mode and pre warning alarm mode
  • Under normal mode, reset request can be generated immediately if dog feeding timing is wrong, counter is out of range, and dog feeding value is written incorrectly
  • In the Pre warning alarm mode, the first time the upper bound is crossed, an interrupt is generated, and the second time the upper bound is crossed, a reset request is generated; The dog feeding value is wrong or the timing of dog feeding is before the lower bound, and a reset request is generated
  • Lock register to avoid misoperation of register

Register Mapping

The base address of WWTD register mapping is 0x40010000, and the specific register mapping is shown in Table W-1.

Form W-1 WWTD Register Mapping

Offset Name Bit Width Type Reset Value Description
0x00 WDT_ CTR 32 R/W 0x00000000 Control register
0x04 WDT_ SCALE 32 R/W 0x00000001 Frequency division register
0x08 WDT_ SRV 32 WO - Dog feeding value register
0x0C WDT_ WLB 32 R/W 0x00000000 Window lower bound register
0x10 WDT_ WUB 32 R/W 0xFFFFFFFF Window upper bound register
0x14 WDT_ LOCK 32 R/W 0x00000000 Unlock command register
0x18 WDT_ COUNT 32 RO 0x00000000 Count value register
0x1C WDT_ STATUS 32 RO 0x00000000 Status register

Control register (WDT_CTR)

Offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x00000000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:7 Reserved 0x00000000 R/W Reserved
6 INT_ EN 0 R/W Interrupt generation enable:
0: Disable
1: Enable
5 RST_ EN 0 R/W Reset generation enable:
0: Disable
1: Enable
4 WIND_ EN 0 R/W Window function switch:
0: feed the dog within the upper limit
1: feed the dog within the window
3 HALT_ EN 0 R/W Reserved
2 MODE 0 R/W Working mode:
0: Normal mode
1: pre warning alarm mode
1 CLK_ SEL 0 R/W Clock selection:
0: clock after PCLK frequency division
1: external input clock
0 GLB_ ENB 0 R/W WWTD enable:
0: disable
1: enable

Frequency division register (WDT_SCALE)

Offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x00000001

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:16 Reserved 0x0000 R/W Reserved
15:0 WDT_ SCALE 0x0001 R/W Frequency division register. When the clock after PCLK frequency division is selected as the timing reference clock, this register is used as the frequency division coefficient of PCLK. No frequency division when configured as 0 or 1

Dog feeding value register (WDT_SRV)

Offset: 0x08

Reset value:-

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 WDT_ SRV - WO Dog feeding value register:
Writing 0xABADC0DE to this register in the window means dog feeding. Writing other values will generate a reset request. If the interrupt request has been generated, writing 0xABADC0DE will clear the interrupt request

Window lower bound register (WDT_WLB)

Offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x00000000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 WDT_ WLB 0x00000000 R/W Window lower bound register

Window upper bound register (WDT_WUB)

Offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFF

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 WDT_ WUB 0xFFFFFFFF R/W Window upper bound register

Unlock Command Register (WDT_LOCK)

Offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x00000000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 WDT_ LOCK 0x00000000 R/W Unlock command register:
Write 0x51ACCE55 to this register to write all the other registers related to the module, otherwise you cannot write all the other registers
When reading this register:
0x00000000: cannot write all other registers
0x00000001: can write all other registers

Count value register (WDT_COUNT)

Offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x00000000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 WDT_ COUNT 0x00000000 RO Count value register

Status register (WDT_STATUS)

Offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x00000000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:1 Reserved 0x00000000 RO Reserved
0 CNT_ EXT 0 RO Count value count out of range status:
1: Exceeded upper limit
0: Not exceeded upper limit