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Function introduction

The universal I/O interface supports more than one programmable input/output pin. Each GPIO port has corresponding control registers and configuration registers to meet the requirements of different applications. It is divided into four groups, and each group can control up to eight. GPIO0 corresponds to the PA port of the chip, GPIO1 corresponds to the PB port, GPIO2 corresponds to the PC port, and GPIO3 corresponds to the PD port.

  • Programmable GPIO interrupt
  • Interrupt mask control
  • Triggered by rising edge, falling edge or bilateral edge
  • High or low level trigger
  • Each GPIO pin can be individually configured as input or output by the software
  • Each GPIO pin can be opened/closed separately

GPIO is reused with other functions as the third function, and the reuse relationship is determined by the register IO_ REUSE_ For CFG configuration, please refer to the corresponding contents in the DPMU module for specific description of this register. ☞Please click here to view. The reuse relation is determined by the register IO of the system control unit_ REUSE_ CFG configuration.. Each set of pin functions needs to be configured with corresponding IO_ REUSE_ CFG register bit. The analog pin needs to be used as an analog pin or a digital pin according to the reuse situation. The specific reuse relationship is shown in the following figure:


Figure GPIO-1 CI1306 GPIO Reuse Relationship

Register Mapping

The base address of GPIO0/½/3 register mapping is 0x40020000, 0x40021000, 0x40031000, 0x40028000. See Table GPIO-1 for each group of registers.

Table GPIO-1 GPIO Register Mapping

Offset Name Bit Width Type Reset Value Description
0x000~0x3FC GPIODATA 8 R/W 0x00 Data register
0x400 GPIODIR 8 R/W 0x00 Data direction register
0x404 GPIOIS 8 R/W 0x00 Interrupt source (level/edge) register
0x408 GPIOIBE 8 R/W 0x00 Interrupt source double edge trigger register
0x40C GPIOIEV 8 R/W 0x00 Interrupt event register
0x410 GPIOIE 8 R/W 0x00 Interrupt mask register
0x414 GPIORIS 8 R 0x00 Interrupt original status register
0x418 GPIOMIS 8 R 0x00 Interrupt mask status register
0x41C GPIOIC 8 W 0x00 Interrupt clear register

Data register (GPIODATA)

Offset: 0x000~0x3FC

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIODATA 0x00 R/W GPIO data register
When GPIO is configured as input, read this register
When GPIO is configured as output, write this register

Note that this register is used in conjunction with the address offset. One register can be used to perform validity discrimination and specific data operations on 8-bit data of GPIO. Operation mode: The address offset of this register is the address bit [11:0], where [9:2] is a significant bit. If a bit in the address [9:2] is high (set the bit to be bit X), then the corresponding bit (bit X-2) of the corresponding register data [7:0] is valid. If a bit in the address [9:2] is low, then the corresponding bit of the corresponding register data [7:0] is invalid, and reading and writing operations will not affect this bit
For example, if you want to write a 0xFF byte of data to a GPIO port, when the GPIO port has been configured for output, the address offset of this register should be set to 0x3FC, that is, all bits in the address [9:2] should be set to high, and all data bits [7:0] of the GPIO are valid; If only 1 needs to be written to bit 0 of GPIO, the address offset should be set to 0x004. At this time, no matter whether 0x01 or 0xFF is written to this register, only 1 will be written to bit 0 of GPIO, and other bits will not change. The operation is the same when reading.

Data Direction Register (GPIODIR)

Offset: 0x400

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIODIR 0x00 R/W GPIO data direction register
0: input
1: output

Interrupt source register (GPIOIS)

Offset: 0x404

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIOIS 0x00 R/W GPIO interrupt source register
0: edge
1: level

Interrupt source double edge trigger register (GPIOIBE)

Offset: 0x408

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7:0 GPIOIBE 0x00 R/W GPIO interrupt source double edge register
0: Interrupt trigger event is controlled by GPIOIEV
1: double edge trigger (GPIOIS is configured as 0)

Interrupt Event Register (GPIOIEV)

Offset: 0x40C

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIOIEV 0x00 R/W GPIO interrupt event register
0: falling edge or low level
1: rising edge or high level

Interrupt mask register (GPIOIE)

Offset: 0x410

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIOIE 0x00 R/W GPIO interrupt mask register
0: masked interrupt
1: unshielded interrupt

Interrupt Raw Status Register (GPIORIS)

Offset: 0x414

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIORIS 0x00 R GPIO interrupt original status register. Reflects the interrupt state before masking.

Interrupt mask status register (GPIOMIS)

Offset: 0x418

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIOMIS 0x00 R GPIO interrupt mask status register. Reflects the interrupt state after the mask.

Interrupt clear register (GPIOIC)

Offset: 0x41C

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIOIC 0x00 W GPIO interrupt clear register
1: Clear the corresponding interrupt status
0: No effect

Enable register (GPIOEN)

Offset: 0x420

Reset value: 0x00

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
7: 0 GPIOEN 0x00 R/W GPIO enable register
0: Disable
1: Enable