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System Control Unit SCU

The system control unit is mainly responsible for the clock source of the chip, the generation and control of some clock signals, interrupt control and other functions. This module and the DPMU module together provide the basic functions of the chip such as clock control.

SCU register mapping

The base address of the system control unit register mapping is 0x40000000. See Table SCU-1 for details.

Table SCU-1 System Control Unit Register Mapping

Offset Name Bit Width Type Reset Value Description
0x00 SYS_ CTRL_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000401 System control register
0x0C EXT_ INT_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000000 External interrupt configuration register
0x50 SYSCFG_ LOCK_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000000 System lock configuration register
0x58 CKCFG_ LOCK_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000000 Clock configuration lock configuration register
0x80 CLKDIV_ PARAM0_ CFG 32 R/W 0x1001808C Frequency division parameter register 0
0x84 CLKDIV_ PARAM1_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00008208 Frequency division parameter register 1
0xB0 CLK_ DIV_ PARAM_ EN_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000000 Frequency division parameter enable register
0x11C SYS_ CLKGATE_ CFG0 32 R/W 0x00000FFC System clock gating configuration register
0x124 AHB_ CLKGATE_ CFG 32 R/W 0x0000007F AHB bus module clock gating configuration register
0x128 APB0_ CLKGATE_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00007FFF APB0 bus module clock gating configuration register
0x12C APB1_ CLKGATE_ CFG 32 R/W 0x000001FF APB1 bus module clock gating configuration register
0x178 SCU_ STATE_ REG 32 R/W 0x00000001 SCU status register
0x190 AHB_ RESET_ CFG 32 R/W 0x0000007E AHB bus module software reset configuration register
0x194 APB0_ RESET_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000FFF APB0 bus module software reset configuration register
0x198 APB1_ RESET_ CFG 32 R/W 0x000001FF APB1 bus module software reset configuration register
0x1DC WAKEUP_ MASK_ CFG 32 R/W 0x00000000 Wake up Mask configuration register
0x1F4 INT_ STATE_ REG 32 R/W 0x00000000 Interrupt status register

System control register (SYS_CTRL_CFG)

Offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x00000401

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:11 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
10 DTR_ CLK_ SEL 0x1 RW DTR controller clock source:
0: clock before PLL frequency multiplication
1: PLL clock
9 RUN_ IN_ FLASH_ EN 0x1 RW Control system program running in FLASH (enable Flash XIP function):
1: running in FLASH
0: not running in FLASH
8:5 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
4:1 NMI_ INT_ CTRL 0x0 RW Configure the CPU fast interrupt as the following interrupt source:
0: Reserved
0 SPI_ BOOT 0x1 RW Enable the BOOT mode of the QSPI controller corresponding to Flash:, After the system is started, the SPI_ If the BOOT bit is set to 0, the QSPI controller corresponding to Flash can restore to the normal mode, and the data in Flash can be read and written normally

External interrupt configuration register (EXT_INT_CFG)

Offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x00,000,000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:4 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
3 EXT1_ INT_ EN 0x0 RW External Interrupt 1 Interrupt Enable:
1: A corresponding interrupt is generated when an external interrupt request occurs
0: The interrupt is not enabled
2 EXT0_ INT_ EN 0x0 RW External Interrupt 0 Interrupt Enable:
1: A corresponding interrupt is generated when an external interrupt request occurs
0: Interrupt is not enabled
1 EXT1_ INT_ STATE 0x0 RW External Interrupt 1 Status Bit:
1: External Interrupt Request Occurred
0: No External Interrupt Request Occurred
Write 1 of this bit is cleared
0 EXT0_ INT_ STATE 0x0 RW External Interrupt 0 Status Bit:
1: External Interrupt Request Occurred
0: No External Interrupt Request Occurred
This bit is written to 1 and cleared

System lock configuration register (SYSCFG_LOCK_CFG)

Offset: 0x50

Reset value: 0x00,000,000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 SYSCFG_ LOCK 0x0 RW When the software configures the system, it is necessary to write 0x51AC0FFE to this register to unlock it before writing the configuration of each register of the system control unit. Reading the value of this register has the following meanings:
1: this register is unlocked and can be written
0: this register is not unlocked and cannot be written

Clock configuration lock configuration register (CKCFG_LOCK_CFG)

Offset: 0x58

Reset value: 0x00,000,000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:0 CKCFG_ LOCK 0x0 RW When the software configures the PLL and clock gating related registers, you need to write 0x51AC0FFE to this register to unlock it, and then you can configure it and write any other value to lock it. Reading the value of this register has the following meanings:
1: this register is unlocked and can be written
0: this register is not unlocked and cannot be written.

Frequency division parameter register 0 (CLKDIV_PARAM0_CFG)

Offset: 0x80

Reset value: 0x1001808C

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
30:24 TIMER_ GPWM_ DIV 0x10 RW Clock division parameters of TIMER and PWM modules
23:12 ST_ DIV 0x18 RW Frequency division parameters of the CPU core tick clock
11:9 DTR_ RAM_ DIV 0x0 RW Clock division parameters of RAM in DTR Flash module
8:6 DTR_ DIV 0x2 RW Clock division parameters of DTR Flash module
5:0 ADC_ DIV 0xC RW Clock division parameters of ADC module

Frequency division parameter register 1 (CLKDIV_PARAM1_CFG)

Offset: 0x84

Reset value: 0x00008208

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:12 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
11:6 UART1_ DIV 0x8 RW Clock division parameters of UART1 module
5:0 UART0_ DIV 0x8 RW Clock division parameters of UART0 module

Frequency division parameter enable register (CLK_DIV_PARAM_EN_CFG)

Offset: 0xB0

Reset value: 0x00,000,000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:11 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
10 SRC2_ MCLK_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter SRC2_ MCLK_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
9 SRC1_ MCLK_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter SRC1_ MCLK_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
8 SRC0_ MCLK_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter SRC0_ MCLK_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
7 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
6 UART1_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter UART1_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
5 UART0_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter UART0_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
4 TIMER_ GPWM_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter TIMER_ GPWM_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
3 ST_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter ST_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
2 DTR_ RAM_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter DTR_ RAM_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
1 DTR_ DIV_ EN 0x0 RW Frequency division parameter DTR_ Update enable of DIV:
1: enable
0: disable
0 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved

System clock gating configuration register (SYS_CLKGATE_CFG0)

Offset: 0x11C

Reset value: 0x00000FFC

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:12 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
11 ROM_ CKEN 0x1 RW ROM module clock gating:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
10 SRAM6_ CLKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of SRAM6 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
9 SRAM5_ CLKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of SRAM5 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
8 SRAM4_ CLKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of SRAM4 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
7 SRAM3_ CLKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of SRAM3 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
6 SRAM2_ CLKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of SRAM2 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
5 SRAM1_ CLKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of SRAM1 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
4 SRAM0_ CLKEN 0x1 RW SRAM0 module clock gating:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
3 STCLK 0x1 RW System tick clock STCLK module clock gating:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
2 CPU_ CORECLK 0x1 RW Clock gating of CPU core clock module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
1 SLEEPDEEP 0x0 RW Clock gating when the CPU is in deep sleep:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
0 SLEEPING 0x0 RW Clock gating during CPU sleep:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock

Note 1: The above SRAM0 to SRAM6 together form 640KB SRAM in the chip. In normal use, please set all clocks to ON status Note 2: The above deep sleep and sleep are two sleep modes of the CPU, which can be realized by directly writing the built-in registers of the CPU. When using this mode, you need to turn on the corresponding clock in advance. The user can refer to the relevant data of the CPU for setting

AHB bus module clock gating configuration register (AHB_CLKGATE_CFG)

Offset: 0x124

Reset value: 0x0000007F

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:5 Reserved 0x3 RW Reserved
4 DTR_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of DTR Flash module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
3 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
2 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
1 GDMA_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of DMA module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
0 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved

APB0 bus module clock gating configuration register (APB0_CLKGATE_CFG)

Offset: 0x128

Reset value: 0x00007FFF

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:14 Reserved 0x3 RW Reserved
13 WWDG_ CPU_ HALT_ CKEN 0x1 RW Window watchdog WWDG module clock gating when CPU is in HALT state:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
12 CODEC_ DA_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of CODEC module DAC:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
11 CODEC_ AD_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of CODEC module ADC:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
10 TIMER3_ CKEN 0x1 RW TIMER3 module clock gating:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
9 TIMER2_ CKEN 0x1 RW TIMER2 module clock gating:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
8 TIMER1_ CKEN 0x1 RW TIMER1 module clock gating:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
7 TIMER0_ CKEN 0x1 RW TIMER0 module clock gating:
0: turn off the clock
1: turn on the clock
6 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
5 GPWM2_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of PWM2 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
4 GPWM1_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of PWM1 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
3 GPWM0_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of PWM0 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
2 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
1 IIC_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of IIC module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
0 WWDG_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of WWDG module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock

APB1 bus module clock gating configuration register (APB1_CLKGATE_CFG)

Offset: 0x12C

Reset value: 0x000001FF

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:9 Reserved 0x3 RW Reserved
8:6 Reserved 0x7 RW Reserved
5 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
4 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
3 UART1_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of UART1 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
2 UART0_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of UART0 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
1 GPIO1_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of GPIO1 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock
0 GPIO0_ CKEN 0x1 RW Clock gating of GPIO0 module:
0: Turn off the clock
1: Turn on the clock

SCU Status Register (SCU_STATE_REG)

Offset: 0x178

Reset value: 0x00000001

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:5 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
4 CPU_ DEEPSLEEP 0x0 RW CPU deep sleep status query:
0: not in deep sleep status
1: in deep sleep status
3 CPU_ SLEEP 0x0 RW CPU sleep status query:
0: not in sleep status
1: in sleep status
2 PLL_ LOCK_ STATE 0x0 RW PLL lock status query:
0: not locked
1: locked
1 BOOT_ MODE 0x0 RW System startup mode query:
0: on-chip ROM startup
1: on-chip SRAM startup
0 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved

AHB Bus Module Software Reset Configuration Register (AHB_RESET_CFG)

Offset: 0x190

Reset value: 0x0000007E

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:5 Reserved 0x3 RW Reserved
4 DTR_ RSTEN 0x1 RW DTR Flash module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
3 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
2 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
1 GDMA_ RSTEN 0x1 RW DMA module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
0 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved

APB0 bus module software reset configuration register (APB0_RESET_CFG)

Offset: 0x194

Reset value: 0x00000FFF

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:12 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
11 TIMER23_ RSTEN 0x1 RW TIMER2 and TIMER3 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
10 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
9 TIMER01_ RSTEN 0x1 RW TIMER0 and TIMER1 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
8 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
7 GPWM23_ RSTEN 0x1 RW PWM2 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
6 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
5 GPWM01_ RSTEN 0x1 RW PWM0 and PWM1 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
4 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
3 CODEC_ RSTEN 0x1 RW CODEC module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
2 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
1 IIC_ RSTEN 0x1 RW IIC module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
0 WWDG_ RSTEN 0x1 RW Window watchdog WWDG module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset

APB1 bus module software reset configuration register (APB1_RESET_CFG)

Offset: 0x198

Reset value: 0x000001FF

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:6 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
5 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
4 Reserved 0x1 RW Reserved
3 UART1_ RSTEN 0x1 RW UART1 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
2 UART0_ RSTEN 0x1 RW UART0 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
1 GPIO1_ RSTEN 0x1 RW GPIO1 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset
0 GPIO0_ RSTEN 0x1 RW GPIO0 module software reset control:
0: reset
1: no reset

Wake up Mask configuration register (WAKEUP_MASK_CFG)

Offset: 0x1DC

Reset value: 0x00,000,000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:17 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
16 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
15 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
14 VDT_ INT 0x0 RW VDT module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
13 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
12 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
11 GPIO1_ INT 0x0 RW GPIO1 module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
10 GPIO0_ INT 0x0 RW GPIO0 module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
9 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
8 UART1_ INT 0x0 RW UART1 module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
7 UART0_ INT 0x0 RW UART0 module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
6 TIMER1_ INT 0x0 RW TIMER1 module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
5 TIMER0_ INT 0x0 RW TIMER0 module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
4 WWDG_ INT 0x0 RW Window watchdog WWDG module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
3 IWDG_ INT 0x0 RW Independent watchdog IWDG module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable
2 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
1 Reserved 0x0 RW Reserved
0 SCU_ INT 0x0 RW SCU module interrupt wake-up enable:
0: disable
1: enable

Interrupt status register (INT_STATE_REG)

Offset: 0x1F4

Reset value: 0x00,000,000

Bit Field Name Reset Value Type Description
31:17 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
16 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
15 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
14 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
13 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
12 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
11 GPIO1_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C GPIO1 module interrupt wake-up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
10 GPIO0_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C GPIO0 Module Interruption Wakeup Status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
9 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
8 UART1_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C UART1 module interrupt wake-up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
7 UART0_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C UART0 module interrupt Wake up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
6 TIMER1_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C TIMER1 module interrupt wake-up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
5 TIMER0_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C TIMER0 Module Interruption Wakeup Status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
4 WWDG_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C Window watchdog WWDG module interrupt wake-up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
3 IWDG_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C Independent watchdog IWDG module interrupt wake-up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status
2 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
1 Reserved 0x0 W1C Reserved
0 SCU_ INT_ WAKE 0x0 W1C SCU module interrupt wake-up status:
0: Interruption does not cause system wake-up
1: Interruption causes system wake-up, write 1 to this bit to clear the status